
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I turn small.

The Moment I woke up, I discovered to my shock horror that is was the size of a small mouse! Today was going to be very interesting day indeed.
I wonder what I can do. I can go into little gaps in the wall and get food very easy.
But I can’t play computer games. I want to play Minecraft, Halo and far cry 3.
all I can do was lay on my computer and sleep.  the best thing is i can get cheese.
 I am so bored got nothing to do I want to go outside. I need to find mouse to play with.
finally i found some friends to play with inside maybe they know the way outside.

I try to talk with them but they don’t understand what I am talking about?
First I thought the mouse talked crazy language and then I found some mouse that know how to talk English.
I ask to the mouse “How get out of this boring house”.
But the mouse said “Give me cheese or i will not show the way out of here”.
I ran to the Kitchen to look for some cheese and I looked at the frig and I found little bit of  cheese.

I ran to the mouse to give the cheese but the mouse was gone.
I went to look for the mouse but he was no where to be found so I gave up but then I heard a little voice in the distance so I turned around and give the cheese to the mouse.       
And the mouse said “Sorry I went to the toilet”
And I give the mouse cheese.

The Mouse show me the way out and i said “Thank you”
And i turn normal i was so happy.
I think if I am dark i turn small.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

My Friends

My friends name is Jayden . He is 11 years old. He is from the Cook Islands. Jayden is my friend from room 16. Jayden likes to play games, sport and a lot more. He taught me how to play Minecraft and a lot more games. He is special because he is my best friend and he is funny. He is good at math and reading. I am not as good as him he is too good for me. Sometimes Jayden comes to my house with Zyrin and Kyal.

Monday, 3 June 2013


This is an article about diabetes my group and I wrote.

Diabetes is a sickness where your pancreas isn’t working. Usually the function of the pancreas is to make insulin. Insulin is needed as a key to open the body cells so glucose can be absorbed. Glucose is needed for essential as it gives body energy

There are 2 types of diabetes type l and Type 2. Type 1 is where the pancreas is not working. It is not working.  It is not making enough insulin. Usually people get Type 1 diabetes when they are young. They have to inject insulin every day.

In Type 2 diabetes the pancreas makes insulin but the insulin doesn't work properly. It doesn't open the door to the body glucose go in. People often get Type 2 diabetes when they are adults. You are more likely to get it if someone in your family has it, If you are overweight, if you eat too much sugar and if you don’t exercise.